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Template DIY Nintendo 64 and GameBoy / GBA Inlays Inlets

Over the years, since I've been a child, my N64 cartrige inlays have gone astray. I lost a couple of them, but still got 2. So I measured the original one to create a template for printing and folding new ones.

The following template is DIN A4, standard paper layout in Germany. Print the template on thick paper or thin cardboard. Set printer settings to no scaling / 100%. Cut along black lines, fold along dashed lines. Print on the backside, so your front stays clean.

I know the middle part is bigger than a catrige, but so it is in an original inlay.

Have fun :)

Download the template as PDF: Template N64 Inlay
SVG Source File: SVG Template 

GameBoy Inlay Template: PDF SVG

GameBoy Pokemon Pinball Inlay Template: PDF SVG

GameBoy Advance Inlay Template: PDF SVG










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