Step on Button
Used Unreal Engine Version: 4.22
The “Step-On Button” is a very common video game element, especially in platformers. It is used to trigger some action, when the player steps on it and pushes it down with his weight.
Creating one with Blueprint is not difficult. Here I show you how to create a universally usable and customizable step-on button with C++.
We’ll base our button on the Simple Trigger Actor I described in an earlier post. If you have not already, please implement that one first.
Now create a new class StepOnButton
and inherit from ASimpleTriggerVolume
. The button will consist of a separate root component (which allows you to relatively place the button’s contents), a shape component (the shape of the trigger), a button mesh and a button base mesh, as well as a sound effect, which is played, when the player steps upon it and triggers an action.
The first components will be defined in C++, the soundeffect is added in Blueprint so we do not have any hard coded media paths in our source files.
Alright, let’s define some UPROPERTY
s in our headerfile StepOnButton.h
so we can access them in Blueprint later:
class BEATEMDOWN_API AStepOnButton :
public ASimpleTriggerVolume
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Appearance")
UStaticMeshComponent* Button = nullptr;
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Appearance")
UStaticMeshComponent* ButtonBase = nullptr;
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Now let’s set up the components in the constructor in our StepOnButton.cpp
AStepOnButton::AStepOnButton() : ASimpleTriggerVolume()
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
Button = CreateDefaultSubobject
ButtonBase = CreateDefaultSubobject
<UStaticMeshComponent>(FName("Button Base"));
You’ll notice, that we have not setup the trigger component. That is because we inherited it from ASimpleTriggerVolume
provides to virtual methods, that are called, when the button’s trigger is entered or left. To add behaviour to our button, we simply override those methods:
In StepOnButton.h
virtual void TriggerCallbackOn() override;
virtual void TriggerCallbackOff() override;
In StepOnButton.cpp
void AStepOnButton::TriggerCallbackOn()
// Prevent button from being pushed twice
if (bPushed) { return; }
// Set state to pushed
bPushed = true;
// We leave this empty, because this button stays down
void AStepOnButton::TriggerCallbackOff() { /* Does nothing */ }
The button is now usable. To make it look a little bit nicer, we add an animation that moves down the button smoothly, upon stepping on it:
// StepOnButton.h
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "State")
bool bPushed = false;
void MoveDownButton();
// StepOnButton.cpp
void AStepOnButton::Tick(float DeltaTime)
if (bPushed) { MoveDownbutton(); }
void AStepOnButton::MoveDownbutton()
FVector ButtonLocation = Button->GetRelativeTransform().GetLocation();
if (ButtonLocation.Z > -20.0f)
ButtonLocation, FVector(0, 0, -20), 0.05f));
Now compile everything and setup the assets in a new Blueprint.
Create a new Blueprint and name it StepOnButton_BP
. Inherit from StepOnButton
. If you now open it, you should see something like this:
Now choose the Shape
component and setup the trigger extent. Choose a static mesh for the Button
and ButtonBase
components and add a new AudioComponent
and call it SFX
In the EventGraph tab setup up the following graph:
This will play the provided sound upon stepping on the button.
Button Setup
Now let’s finish this and bind the button to some actor that will do something, when the button is pressed.
For this you just need an actor that has a property Trigger
and subscribes to it’s events.
So create some actor in C++ and add a UPROPERTY
// DynamicPlatform.h
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Setup")
ASimpleTriggerVolume* Trigger = nullptr;
In it’s BeginPlay()
subscribe to the Trigger Overlap Begin and Trigger Overlap End events:
// Register for events
void ADynamicPlatform::BeginPlay()
if (Trigger)
.AddLambda([this]() { EnablePlatform(); });
.AddLambda([this]() { EnablePlatform(); });
void ADynamicPlatform::EnablePlatform()
// ... Activation Code
That’s it. If you want to see, how to implement a Floating Platform which is additionally triggerable by a step on button, have a look into the next post: “[Unreal Engine][C++] How to implement a floating plaform”.
Hope this helps. Have fun! :)
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