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Games for a video game console like steam mashine

Attention: There is an updated version of this article!

Want that gaming console feeling for your steam mashine? I've got a list for you. With these titles your living room Steam PC will feel more like a Nintendo gaming console.

All games are gamepad compatible.

Miss those days, when you sat down on a couch with your friends and played together? You don't like playing with keyboard and mouse? I myself have always been a big fan of the classical gaming console experience. Start the console and play - no fiddling with drivers, graphics settings or save game directories. Well, Steam is not perfect, but as good as it gets, when you try to have this on a PC.
I was looking for years for good multiplayer games or platformers, which give me that Nintendo feeling. Here is what I found. If you are a child of the 90's, chances are you will like them as much as I do. Have fun :)
This blog has an affiliate program with Humble Bundle. The games' links direct to Humble Store, where you can buy them at fair prices. If you decide to do so, you support me as well.

Fun Racer

Games like Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing and Crash Team Racing

Sonic & All Stars Racing - Transformed

If you're looking for something like Mario Kart for Steam, there is only one game that is worth to be called in one sentence with it: SEGA's second racing game. The first one is good as well, but "Transformed" is a real jewel for your games collection.
Somewhere between Mario Kart 8 and Diddy Kong Racing, this game does everything right. In addition to classic game modes like Grand Prix and Quick Race it offers online play with lots of active players, Splitscreen for up to 4 local players and a huge campain mode with lots of different tasks, like Drifting, Overtaking, Goal hitting and so on. In short:


  • 4 player splitscreen
  • online play
  • huge campain mode
  • 3 different vehicle types
  • loads of well known SEGA characters
  • many great transforming racing tracks

You really shouldn't miss that one. Have fun :)
Sonic & All Stars Racing - Transformed (Humble Store)

Beach Buggy Racing

Beach Buggy Racing is a game that has been a big surprise to me. I've never heard of the Studio (Vectorunit) before and therefore did not expect too much. But this game definitely did not get enough attention! It's one of the best Fun Racers out there and it does not have to hide from the big ones, like Mario Kart or Sonic Racing. The tracks, cars and characters are designed with much love. Items work like you would expect it. On big issue: it's not available on Steam, but on Microsoft Store.


  • available for PC and Android
  • Gamepad support even on Android
  • lots of beautiful tracks
  • different game modes
  • car upgrading system
  • rating system for races
  • lots of stuff to unlock
  • free to play with ads or one time purchase (fair model - pay once and never again)

Beach Buggy Racing (Official Website)

Toybox Turbos

Toybox Turbos

Couch Coop / Local Multiplayer

Several multiplayer games.

  1. Overcooked
  2. Overcooked 2
  3. Forced - Slightly better Edition
  4. Dungeon Defenders
  5. Speedrunners

Party Games / Mini Games

Games like Mario Party and the Pokemon Stadium Mini Games.
  1.  Sportsfriends

Beat 'em Up / Fighting

Classical fighting games.
  1. Soul Calibur VI
  2. Tekken 7
  3. Street Fighter V
  4. Naruto - Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
  5. Dragon Ball FighterZ
  6. Jump Force (Standard | Deluxe | Ultimate)

Brawl / Smash

Games like Super Smash Bros.
  1. Duck Game
  2. Brawlout
  3. Brawlhalla (free to play)


  1. Yooka Laylee - made by former RARE developers (Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Diddy Kong Racing)

Action Adventure

  1. Oceanhorn 


  1. Final Fantasy(I | II | III | IV | IV - The After Years | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X & X-2 HD | XII | XIII | XIII-2 | Lightning Returns: XIII | XIV | XV | Type-0)
  2. Dragon Quest (Heroes | Heroes II | XI)
  3. Tales of Symphonia
  4. Skyrim 

Monster RPG

Game to replace Pokemon.

  1. World of Final Fantasy

If you know any other multiplayer gems, let me know :)


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